I created a simple shell script that makes it easy to execute an AmigaOS binary using FS-UAE:
if [ -z $1 ]
echo "$0 "
exit 1
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo "$1 not found"
exit 1
amiga=`mktemp -d`
mkdir "$amiga/C"
cp $1 "$amiga/C"
mkdir "$amiga/S"
echo "C:$1" > "$amiga/S/startup-sequence"
docker run -it \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $HOME/.config/fs-uae/:/home/fsuae/config \
-v $amiga:/amiga \
jamesnetherton/fs-uae \
--amiga_model=A1200 \
--hard_drive_0=/amiga \
> /dev/null
rm -rf $amiga
This creates a temporary directory that is used as the emulated Amiga's hard drive. The binary to be executed is copied to that hard drive's C: directory and a S:startup-sequence script that executes the binary on boot is created.
This approach is a lot simpler than what I described in my [previous post](/2017/02/18/dockerized-cross-compiler/).
The script shown above can now be [downloaded](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/docker-execute-amiga).
I have created a Dockerfile for building a software container for use with Docker. This allows me to conveniently build and use the AmigaOS cross compiler toolchain, which requires a 32-bit environment, on my 64-bit Linux system.
Once Docker is installed we can compile hello.c, the famous “Hello world!” example:
Using xdftool, we can create a fresh a floppy image, format it using Fast File System (FFS), copy the binary we compiled in the previous step to it, and create a S:startup-sequence script that executes our binary:
The above assumes that you have Kickstart ROM files in the $HOME/.config/fs-uae directory on the host.
If you do not have Kickstart ROM files available then you can omit the -v $HOME/.config/fs-uae/:/home/fsuae/config \ line in the command shown above and FS-UAE will fall back to the Open Source AROS kernel:
By the way: the binary created by compiling hello.c is simple enough to be executed through vamos, the Virtual AmigaOS that allows to run AmigaOS m68k binaries directly on Linux:
Back in 2011, there was a Kickstarter campaign to produce a “a film about the legendary Amiga system”. Today I was able to purchase this film on Vimeo.
Unfortunately I have to say that I am happy that I did not support this film’s campaign back then (because I heard about it too late). It’s not only that this film was delayed again and again. From what I was able to observe as an outsider (as someone who did not back the film) it appears that the communication by the project creator was lacking. As far as I can see, no physical copies of the film are available at this point in time. Backers of the Kickstarter campagin were promised a DVD of the film. And while DVD might have been fine back in 2011 it’s not acceptable to not offer a BluRay in 2017.
The film itself turned out rather short: 62.5 minutes including opening titles and closing titles. The content is not bad but if you have seen “From Bedrooms to Billions: The Amiga Years”, for instance, then there is not much in this film that you have not seen before. I have to say, though, that I enjoyed the focus on artistic usage of the Amiga.
Today I received the physical rewards from the “From Bedrooms to Billions: The Amiga Years” Kickstarter that I mentioned in my previous post.
I watched the Special Edition, which I had not seen before, and have to say that I like it even more than the Standard Edition. Especially the extended section of the demoscene was a welcome addition.